Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Oh Tiffany...

I have never had the fascination that some women seem to have with Tiffany's.  I tend to wear athletic clothes far more often than I should.  This lack of interest in Tiffanys seems to have arrived chiefly from never receiving anything from said jeweler.  Last week,  I was schlepping about the apartment while Brent was at work when there was a knock at the door.  I opened the door to find a package, there was no return address, it was just addressed to us.  I opened the package and there in all its glory was a tiffany's blue box.
My air caught in my chest and I immediately contradicted the idea that I was immune to such an iconic symbol.  I harnessed all my self will and did not open the box.  Instead this new discovery illuminated my lack of personal grooming since leaving my job and moving to Oregon.  In my jobless state I had stopped fixing my hair and wearing make-up.  So I spent the next few hours trying to give some semblance of  being kept. 
Brent FINALLY arrived home, surprised by my transformation, he coyly acted as if he hadn't purchased me anything.  Turns out he was not being coy.  It was a pen for him for graduation.  How very thoughtful! Sigh 
This taught me two things.  Im far more girly than I try to let on and I really need to get out of athletic clothes every so often.  


  1. This is an amazing post. Hilarious!!!

    I think I would have had the same reaction.

  2. Oh loved reading this post....maybe some year another package will appear and this time it will be yours!

  3. Too funny! Somehow I feel sorry for Brent in this situation.

  4. I get a silver spoon from Tiffany's each time I have a baby...a gift from some co worker on Dan's. I need to return them all (because what am I going to do with them?) and buy YOU a gift!

  5. Amazing. You are adorable.
