Monday, June 24, 2013


I'm happy to report the new digs are acceptable.  My chief complaint is that the humans won't allow me to sit on the porch all day and try to patrol the passer-bys.  I have to say this city has clearly been unaccustomed to my level of cuteness because all the humans feel the need to meet me.  These portlandians also don't seem to know how to gauge weight, if I have to hear one more time that I must weigh 3 lbs I'm going to have to really lick someone's hand really good. I also dislike the way my humans try to drag me down our apartment stairs; I much prefer the elevator.  They seem really dense about the subject so I have just decided to go limp as soon as we get near the elevator.  Portland shop owners seem to have figured out that I'm in need of treats but haven't discovered that I require more than one treat. Thats all for now I think I heard one of the humans moving towards the kitchen.

Feast your eyes....

LOOK AWAY... most humans can not bear this level of cuteness and resort to having children instead of yorkies. 


  1. Mags,
    If you want to blend in, please remember to ask if those snacks are gluten-free.
    ~Auntie T

  2. Yep Little Maggie - you are pretty cute!

  3. Hi. I am a BIG dog fan, however, Maggie is cute as can be. She seems smart as a button and having a mind of her own!
    Cate, Just think what you could write using Maggie as the first person???
    P.S. What is your contact info---email or phone. I am staying in Portland and planning to visit the Oregon Coast, and meet up with Sergio and Tashia for Easter. I asked Nancy what the name of your Church is...but, she did not know.
    I would love to hear from you. Cell: #619-634-1667
