Thursday, July 18, 2013

Not Texas Hot!

I think Texans have quite a lot of pride on their ability to withstand hot temperatures.  I would consider myself a little weak in Texas standards.  I clearly remember a permanently marked line on our thermostat when I was growing up that was aligned at 90 degrees (I'm sure Marzi would claim it was lower).  We were not suppose to touch that thermostat on fear of death.  However, I always remember pushing the dial so it would barely touch the permanent marker line on the side of life giving cool air.  I remember our poor dog would choose to dig a hole under a bush and lay in it than to come inside.
Fast forward to living in Portland,  I have finally had the opportunity to scoff at others for being temperature pansies.
We recently had a heat wave.  I was unaware that we were having a heatwave till all the small talk went to heat safety. i.e. Drinking lots of water, Staying inside, buying an air conditioner, buying a fan, Bringing pets inside, etc
Fearing the worse I went to to see what we were in for.  92..WHAT! 92 is nothing!  92 is what we sit through in Texas for 4 hour long graduation.
Brent and I had great fun watching everyone buy up fans and window units.
To be fair,  since Portland does not encounter a lot of hot days, buildings and people are not really ready for it.  Luckily our apt does have an ac wall unit but I did miss my central air at night.
In Conclusion,
Thank you Texas if it wasn't for you I wouldn't appreciate these cool summer days quite so much!

Random pictures:
We have used the Trimet a few times to get over to the Northwest side of Portland.  It is quite comical to watch peoples reactions when a Trimet official actually comes to collect tickets.

Brent and I have been loving all the interesting food carts.  We had the Betty (challah bread, gruyere cheese, bread and butter pickles, white pepper, sea salt, peanut butter).  Really reminded me of my grandfather's pickle and peanut butter sandwiches.


  1. HAH!!! This is great. Grandpa's Sweet Pickles and PB was/is so delicious. I never thought to add cheese but that is genius.

    Had totally forgotten about Penny and burrowing under bushes. My loft has become a sauna so the under-bush is sounding appealing... Thankful to have been prepared for it by my childhood. I'm unfortunately unprepared for all that the winter will bring.

  2. My own VERY reliable take on it is that it was 82 degrees during the day and 78 at night, or if we were cleaning house. You know that on my part, it was purely a conspiracy! How else can a mother encourage her four noisy and rambunctious children to play outdoors rather than underfoot? There is always a breaking point.

    I do remember one August when our AC unit broke down had to be completely replaced. The repairmen commented that my children sure seemed to take it in stride. It was normal for customer's children to keep asking them when they were going to be done--- and none of you ever asked. I was so proud.

  3. They are going to laugh at you when fall hits! Enjoy it now!!! -T

  4. we were having a heatwave here in Lux (high of 89)just like that last week... it was pretty hot with no A/C or fans in our 3rd story flat, but nothing terrible. I checked and the record highs are 90 this week, its no wonder 89 was such a topic!! Very similar to the PNW! I'll be crying with you when March rolls around and we don't have TX weather :)
